Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Beautiful Ceremonies...
So its my first day back to blogging and I don't want to disappoint with the blog today. It took me 2 days to figure out what to write about because nothing was really catching my eye. The cold winter days have been making everything (no matter how beautiful) look like a disaster. So I finally picked gorgeous ceremonies. How to get them for less. Pictures labels with a K are from The Knot and the others are from Intimate Weddings Blog. 1. Our Railroad Lanterns (red and white) instead of using the hanging you can use a thick colored ribbon to tie around the end of pews or folding chairs.

You can add anything to them to dress them up such as flower petals, shells, tie them with ribbon, colored glass, stones, pebbles, river rock, etc... the options are endless and most likely you can find something to fit your decor. Don't stop at just wedding decor, these can be used for all typed of parties. Check out our shop for great variations of these.