Monday, September 28, 2009

Its Monday!

Usually I love Mondays because my husband would go back to work and I would get a lot of alone time to work at the store. But due to the economy on his industry he has been given long weekends. By the time 10pm Monday roles around I am frantic that nothing got done that day except my customers orders and requests. Didn't update the blog, didn't update the website, didn't make anything new, and my head is ready to explode. Now I am like everyone else dreading hectic Mondays :-)
So I was flipping through some awesome pictures to change my computers background with today and came across this beauty..

How gorgeous is this! I just want to be sitting under it reading a good book. It was a refreshing blast of fall, after I walked outside today in shorts and the temp was 87 degrees. Ugh! Where did the fall weather go? I hope other people are enjoying the season and all the colors. Remember to send some my way :-D

The fall promo should be out within the next few days. I was pushing for today but you see how that went. The new ads are out though, take a look;

If you want these ads and our newsletter emailed to you just send us a letter through the contact us page on the website or to and I will add you to the list. Its a weekly ad and a monthly newsletter, so we don't spam the heck out of ya.