Monday, September 28, 2009
Show Your Inner Child...
I am going to start with the wall colors. The main color is eggshell with ivory windows and chair rails. The colorful squares seem to be in the colors pumpkin, lilac, robins egg blue, sky blue, olive green, and butter. You can do this one of two ways, by using decals like THESE or you can hand paint them. If you are going to paint them I recommend getting the tiny sample cans from home depot to paint the smaller squares, such as the robins egg blue, butter, and olive green. You will only need a little of it and it lessens the amount of left over paint stored in your garage, shed or only closet in your apartment.
With painters tape block off the lighter colors first and paint them and let dry. Then go back and block off the darker colors and paint them last. On the section like the pumpkin and lilac I would do this first and then go back after the pumpkin has dried and paint the lilac over the pumpkin section. This will give that rectangle the faded look with the transparency of the pumpkin under it.
The modern sleek furniture can be found at places like IKEA and Target. The pillows, purple, blue and green variations are on the medium color scale. There are three steps of decor color in this room, dull, medium, and loud. Most well decorated rooms have this.
Now I will talk about the fireplace. White colonial style is original and clean looking. The mirrors on the top and bottoms enlarges the look of the room, and adds more color with the reflection of the walls. The outside tile work is not my cup of tea personally. I feel like its very grandma like in this young feeling room. So I would change that out, which is not much work HERE is a walk through by Lowes.
Check out the decoupage board
- Pillows, Chair, stool, chandelier, and rug from Target
- Couch and coffee table IKEA
- Vases from The Shop
- Tile from Cool Tiles