Friday, October 23, 2009

DIY: Quilted Stems

So I was buzzing around the Internet this morning trying to find a fun DIY project for us all, for the weekend (its going to be raining here again, lovely). I came across a very fun site called Design Sponge which is a blog with great posts everyday about DIY's, recipes, and so much more. She must really have her hands full over there :-D While flipping through her lovely site I came across her recycled quilt flowers that she got off of Jane Joss an adorable little Etsy shop that sells these buds. Personally I would just buy them off of her because I don't have the hand for stitching, its great that even a DIY fumbler can get these incredible plants.
Obviously you can do this with any type of material even though recycling is always the best, some people (like me!) don't have old quilts lying around. You can take a look at it HERE. I am not going to re post it because she has done a wonderful job and presenting it.

Don't forget the vase either, I am going to use the new one we have in the store right now. Check out our vase section and pick one up to make this beautiful project a lasting memory.