Monday, February 8, 2010
Queen of Hearts Bedroom...

Happy Monday everyone or now Tuesday! So Valentines Day is Sunday, I figured I would do a romantic week. Everything will focus around Valentines Day, Anniversaries, and just romance in general. For Decoupage Monday here is romantic beauty of a bedroom that will make you the Queen of men's hearts. The romantic ambiance in this bedroom, no matter what day it is will erupt the passion between you and your partner.
This room is also a great DIY project! Between the chair and the paintings it will definitely keep you busy for a few days. The chair if you look back in my DIY posts you will find one for the printed burlap chair. This would pretty much be the same situation. Get a tan slip cover and before putting it on imprint different types of palm trees or anything you would like onto it, let it dry and then place it on the chair. Doing it while its on the chair will cause a distorted image and will be very difficult to accomplish.
For the images in the frames you can freehand or if you don't feel that ambitious, you can buy some from a stock photo site and print it out or buy a book full of black and white art and frame some of the pictures in it (I love doing this!). For silhouetted pictures (which I think would look amazing in this room) trace an image onto black paper and then cut it out and mount on a white piece of paper with glue or tape.
Some of the furniture in is antique (end tables, and benches) for a cheaper way check out flea markets and antique stores for pieces to fit! OK so here's the canvas for the room, I also threw in some decor items that would work well with it.

1- Red velvet headboard: Bedroom
2 - Bed sheets: CSN Stores
3 - Faux fur throw: Overstock
4- Rug: Rosenberry Rooms
5 - End tables: Target
6 - Lamps: Sears
7 - Lamp shades: Lamps Plus
8- Some decor that would go with it from "The Shop":
Pedestal Candle holders
Floral Lantern
Tabletop Hanging Vase