Monday, October 12, 2009
Relationships Between US and the Companies We List
OK ever since the FTC has come out with their new rules about the fact that I would have to tell my readers what I am getting from the companies that I list, I have been freaking out because personally I feel this will cause blind accusations on the part of the FTC.
So I am going to explain to you what I do here to make sure I don't get charged a $11,000 fine, when I make no money on this blog what so ever, nor do I get "free" things from the companies that I find and use.
Not in any way am I affiliated with the companies I listed on here except mine (Sunday Morning) and even then I don't get anything free from my business either (:-p). The ads on the side of the blog are clickable and are pay per click just like every other ad on the net. I am not requesting you click on them, if you find something you like then by all means take a look, but its obviously not required and many times go unnoticed.
The stores that I use for Decoupage Mondays and Stylzz Tuesdays are only listed because that's where I found the items that make up that room, not because I am making money off of them, nor get anything from them. The rest of the time I scourer the net all day just to show off something cool to you guys, not because they where sent to me to be promoted.
What I do here is free advertising to the companies that I think are cool, once again, not a company that I get compensation from. I use my store as often I can because that is what this blog is all about, cool reads and promoting my store (Sunday Morning).
I just wanted to make sure this was clear for anyone expecting to catch us in something we are not doing. If a problem occurs the only other thing we can do is not show off where to get the items we show and make our readers do the work instead.
This in no way is a lash out against our reader but against the FTC laws.
So here it is.